Domain Life Cycle

New Domain Registration

When a Registrant requests the registration of an LBDR domain name via an LBDR accredited Registrar and fulfills the domain name registration requirements, the LBDR Registration System (or system) automatically changes the domain status to “Pending Activation”, sets the domain creation date to the current date, expiry date to creation date plus the number of registered years (minimum one year), and informs via email the Registrant that the Registry received and approved the application and that the domain will be activated after he/she validates online the provided Registrant contact details and accepts the LBDR Domain Name Registration Policy.

If the Registrant validates the Registrant Contact details and accepts the LBDR terms, the LBDR Registration System (or system) automatically changes the domain status to “Active” and adds the domain name to the zone file. The domain name should propagate to the .lb secondary DNS servers within 2 hours from the activation time.

If the Registrant declines to approve the LBDR Domain Name Registration Policy and terms and requests the cancellation of the domain registration request, the system automatically informs via email, both the Registrant and its Registrar. If the Registrar requests the deletion of the domain name with the “Registration Grace Period”, the system deletes to domain and refunds the registration fee otherwise the domain will be deleted by the system without reimbursement.

Renewal of a Domain Registration

If a domain registration is not renewed the Domain Allocation Period will expire.

Upon expiry of the Domain Allocation Period, the system automatically changes the domain status to “Renew Grace Period” and informs via email, both the Registrant and its Registrar. The LBDR’s “Renew Grace Period” is 30 calendar days and during that period the domain is still active and can be renewed by the Registrar.

If the domain registration is not renewed by the Registrar during the “Renew Grace Period”, the system automatically changes the domain status to “Redemption Period” and informs via email, both the Registrant and its Registrar. The LBDR’s “Redemption Period” is 30 calendar days and during that period the domain is not active but can be restored by the Registrar.

If the domain registration is not renewed by the Registrar during the “Redemption Period”, the system automatically changes the domain status to “Delete Pending period” and informs via email, both the Registrant and its Registrar. The LBDR’s “Delete Pending period” is 60 calendar days during that period the domain is not active and can be restored by the Registry. The system automatically charges a restore penalty fee.

If the domain registration is not restored during the “Delete Pending period”, the system automatically changes the domain to status to “Deleted” and informs via email, both the Registrant and its Registrar. The system deletes the domain name.

The domain name can be request by any new applicant and registered by any accredited Registrar.

The LBDR Domain Name Life Cycle timeline is tabulated below:

Date Start Date End Duration (days) State Domain Status Registry Fees What It Means
D_alloc Domain Registration/ Renewal Zone New or Renew Fee Domain name purchased and is registered by a Registrar to a Registrant for a specified number of years (1 year for the purpose of that example).
D-alloc D-alloc + 1days 1 Creation Refund Grace Period Active Domain allocated to Registrant but can be deleted with full refund
Da_alloc D_alloc +365 days 365 Domain Allocation Period Active Zone Renew Fee Domain allocated to Registrant (Domain registered or renewed for one year in this example)
D_exp Domain Registration Expires D_exp = D_alloc + 365 days
D_exp D_exp + 30days 30 Renew Grace Period Active Zone Renew Fee Domain is no longer under the registrar control. Domain renewal is still possible but at the restore fee and will take additional time to process.
D_exp + 31 days D_exp + 60 days 30 Redemption Period Not Active Zone Restore + Renew Fee Domain is no longer under the registrar control. Domain restorable by Registry only for restore fee and will take additional time to process.
D_exp + 61 days D_exp + 120 days 60 Pending Delete Period Not Active Zone Restore + Renew Fee Domain restorable by Registry only for restore fee and will take additional time to process.
D_exp + 121 days (120 days for Full Expiration Not Active Domain is rereleased to the public and can be found in a domain name search.

The following diagram illustrates the LBDR Domain Name Life Cycle: